Alla inlägg den 6 januari 2010

Av Anders Branderud - 6 januari 2010 16:41

(This will be a review and it will also analyze what we can learn from Harry Potter and the Half Blood prin.)

I have precisely watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood prince and I would like to make a review. It was a long time since I last reviewed a movie, and I don’t watch a lot of movies, but I will try my best.

It has passed many years since I made my first acquaintance with Harry Potter. We got one of the books in school in English class when I was about 16 (I am 25 years now) and I fell for it directly. I then ordered the four books in a pocket edition, and read them on the winter holiday while I had some annoying sickness. I read them almost without pause. Now nine years later I had forgot most of the storyline in the fourth book and I saw the movie without knowing what was going to happen. Well, I knew Harry would survive : )

The movie was 2 hours and 20 minutes, but the time swept away. It is thrilling and it is engaging from a bit into the movie until the end. That is how I think a movie should be! I am a amazed by the fantasy of J.K Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, and all the characters with unique personalities she has created.

The different personalities of the characters in the movie make it very realistic.  The person playing Hermoine does it with excellence and she is very good to express emotions in a realistic way. I like Hermoines care for Harry Potter’s well being.

In one section of the movie the characters of the movie are in a maze. In that maze, it is said, that the character of the persons in it changes. For example one of the characters named Cedrick is on his way of dying and for a moment Harry has in his mind to ignore to help him. This life we are living can be likened to that maze, and many persons, whom lack strong and sound moral values that they are determined to keep, can under high pressure turn extremely egoistic and supportive to others death (for example the majority of the Germans supported Hitler and his Nazi regime.) Harry’s character made him stand against that, and finally he helped Cedrick. I commend Harry for his helpfulness during the movie!

The contrast between the moral persons and the egoistic persons in the movie is stark. The egoistic persons are able to do everything for Voldemort; some do it of fear and one person is doing it out of faithfulness. We could compare this to Hitler and his servants. Some of his servants probably did it out of faithfulness and others did it of fear. But in both cases, that they followed his order and murdered people is morally reprehensible.

Close to the end of the movie Albus Dumbledore says to Harry:

 “Soon, we must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy”. That is one of my favourite quotes in the movie.

(Here the article shifts focus a little from Harry Potter.)

To connect that quote to reality, that is true for every day. There is a reason behind that we are here in this world, we are here for a purpose. A logical and scientific proof proves the existence of a Creator and that our purpose of our lives here are to follow His instructions in Torah (see post in the right menu in my blog To follow Torah is not always easy. A lot of Yehudim (Jews) have got killed when they have done the sincerest to keep Torah.

One of those persons was Ribi Yehoshua. He could have chosen to ally with the Hellenist Pseudo-Tzedoqim (Hellenist Roman appointed vassals of the Beit ha-Mi•qdâsh′ (hellenized to temple))  in Israel, but he choose to live a righteous life, and the Pseudo-Tzedoqim bore a part of the responsibility of his death.

But he chose to follow the right way, and now is in ha-olam haba (which Christians would call ”heaven”) in a relationship with the Creator of humankind.

So, do you want to choose the right way? It reminds me of Matrix, with the blue and the red pill.  "(If) you take the blue pill, the story ends. You (will) wake up in your bed and (you can) believe whatever you want to believe. (If) you take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I (will) show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

There is more to say about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but I end with that. Thanks for reading!

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